We are 90s kids. Love retro games, code and crypto.
It all started with the pixel art games on devices like Nintendo. Those little hand-held consoles which were engineered to handle both hardware and software requirements just enough to give a pleasant gaming experience. We admire small art made of pixels which stand-out elegantly even with all the space constraints. I and my friends always wanted to do (create) something useful and not just sit and sleep on it.
This gave us an inspiration to turn this into a digital art. Not just another NFT project, but something which meets passion, community, engagement, fun and of course rewards for members who stay and support.
We had this idea since last year when crypto went into a sudden parabolic adoption. Not until recently we started putting time into it and burning some brain cells to devise a plan for the project. We researched several blockchains starting with Ethereum. Then Tezos, Polygon, Solana and Cardano. Every blockchain is capable of doing something different than each other. But we wanted something more robust, on-chain and more affordable.
We almost went with Sol but then found out about Internet Computer and its unique approach to solving, if not all, most of the cryptographic challenges. Hosting is cheap, and the content stays on-chain, runs at the web-speed, and not only you can host your smart contracts on the blockchain but your front end too. What??? Are you kidding? We thought so too. Because this sounds like too good to be true.
But, seeing was believing. These are all actually pure facts and not just a roadmap on a whitepaper. We were just amazed of what this blockchain could do. I just did some more research and found that the NFT space is already taking off. Some good projects like ICPunks and PokedBots already has a realm of its own. Also there are pixel art projects like ICPuppies and ICKitties. And recently the new addition of Dfinity Space Apes. Something similar to Bored Ape Yatch Club project on ETH blockchain. Without second thought, we decided to go with Internet Computer for our project.
We named the project ‘ICPxy’ which highlights our love to Internet Computer and Pixel art.
We will cover more information in further articles. Stay tuned.